Sunday, April 15, 2012

Life Awards

I have decided that two Life Awards should be awarded to:

1- Those who regularly have to wake-up before sunrise.  On Sunday mornings when my alarm sounds, I can hear the mid-night critters as they continue with their moon songs.  The darkness envelops me and draws me back into dreamland.  I practically have to use a crowbar to get my body out of bed.  The bathroom light is painful and a shock to my system.  Sunday mornings come too early. 

To those who get up every day before dawn, I raise my glass.  I don't know how you do it.

2 - Those who have ever made deviled eggs.  We are hosting a neighborhood get together and I thought deviled eggs would be a nice, easy addition.  After attempting to peel off a few shells, I about gave up.  What a pain!  The end product is certainly yummy, but I'm not certain if my work is worth the pay off.

To those who make deviled eggs for yearly parties, I salute you.  Never again will I carelessly pop a deviled egg into my mouth; I will savor every taste knowing the effort you put into it.

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