Wednesday, March 24, 2010

past post

I used to journal on xanga all the time.  I read some of my old posts today.  This was the last one I wrote.  I thought I would share it here too.

-"Robert Young Pelton's underground classic titled The World’s Most Dangerous Places is over one thousand pages thick.  It highlights the five-star danger zones like Colombia, Chechnya, and Liberia.  Pelton ironically writes not to discourage us from going but to help us get there and maybe even survive.  Nowhere, though, does he warn us about the world's most dangerous place, and he certainly gives us no guidance in how to survive when we're stuck there.  Makes me wonder if he's ever been in love." -Soul Cravings by Erwin Raphael McManus

Every morning for the past several days (and this will continue until I am finished) I’ve read an entry from Soul Cravings.  The writer takes the reader on a journey, his journey.   My favorite entry so far was about love and how it is painful and difficult to understand and not needed for survival.  He ranted that if evolution were true, we should have evolved beyond love.  Yet, we continue to look for it, crave it, die for it.  And based on this point alone, there must be something more.  

“I turned to God thinking he was a fool for wanting me.  Which, of course, is the nature of love, isn’t it?”  Truth.-