Sunday, April 15, 2012

Life Awards

I have decided that two Life Awards should be awarded to:

1- Those who regularly have to wake-up before sunrise.  On Sunday mornings when my alarm sounds, I can hear the mid-night critters as they continue with their moon songs.  The darkness envelops me and draws me back into dreamland.  I practically have to use a crowbar to get my body out of bed.  The bathroom light is painful and a shock to my system.  Sunday mornings come too early. 

To those who get up every day before dawn, I raise my glass.  I don't know how you do it.

2 - Those who have ever made deviled eggs.  We are hosting a neighborhood get together and I thought deviled eggs would be a nice, easy addition.  After attempting to peel off a few shells, I about gave up.  What a pain!  The end product is certainly yummy, but I'm not certain if my work is worth the pay off.

To those who make deviled eggs for yearly parties, I salute you.  Never again will I carelessly pop a deviled egg into my mouth; I will savor every taste knowing the effort you put into it.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Out of the Blue

During the month of March, our students at Southern Hills carried their Bibles around with them everywhere they went as part of our "The Book" series.  This simple act had tremendous impact not only on the students themselves, but those around them.  Teachers, friends, parents- great conversations took place because the students were willing to do something radical.

To conclue the 1 Month Bible Challenge, last night the students were challenged to take a New Believer's New Testament to school and give it away.  Sixty-one Bibles were taken!

Isaiah 55:11 says, "It is the same with my word.  I send it out, and it always produces fruit.  It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I sent it."

Please pray for our students as they step out and share their faith.

We serve a faithful God.  I can't wait to hear how he moves!