Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tis the season...

I love Halloween.

I like getting candy.
I like giving candy.
I like the themed party foods.
I like the decorations.
I like the crazy games.
I like the music.
Fall weather seems to drain people's joy and Halloween provides a boost of excitement.
But mostly I love dressing up.

I start thinking about my costume the night of Halloween... the year before.

Last year, Corey and I teamed up with a group of our friends and patrolled the streets in Elizabeth City as Batman characters.  We were stopped several times by parents and asked to pose for a picture with their son who also donned a batman suit.

This year we've had lots of ideas, but none have come to fruition yet (partially because it's hard to top last year and partially because we have no plans or people to plan with).  So if you're looking for some fellow Halloweeners to share in the festivities with, let us know!

Monday, October 10, 2011

At the Circus

This past Sunday in our children's program we finished a circus series titled "Under the Big Top."  To create a tent look, we used plastic table cloth, tacking it into the wall and ceiling.  We feared the kids would demolish it, but as you can see it held up fairly well over the 8 weeks.  We gathered some props from around the church and from a few friends (yes, that is a unicycle that one of our volunteers can actually ride!).  We created a concession stand out of 2x4s and once used coroplast.  Coroplast doesn't hold paint well (you can scratch it off with your finger nail), but it was a resource we already had and could reuse.

The table cloths to the side of the stage proved difficult to hang and stay in place because we couldn't affix them to a cinderblock wall.  Eventually we gave up fixing them every week, but no one seemed to notice and they still looked ok.  We bought a few clown like hats at Target and used them to display the interactive elements, juggling scarves and balls.  We also had Buddy Walking boards and put those out for the kids to play with.

I always consider costumes as part of decorating the stage.  Dressing the part adds so much and completes the look.  Corey was the ring master.  Occasionally we had a clown, juggler, lion tamer, and once we had a guy on stilts.  It was a great series, but on to the next! 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Silly Husband

Lounging in the living room, Nicole lets out a sigh.  "I want to blog, but I don't know what to write about."
Without hesitation Corey responds, "Write about your husband."

Uhhh... ok...

My husband is a goof.
Most people don't see this side of him, but I do.
When we're alone, he dances.
He makes ridiculous faces.
He sings.
He gets loud.

He laughs.  A lot.

Corey and I made the 10 hour drive from Georgia to North Carolina on Tuesday.  When I wasn't sleeping, we were laughing, at ourselves and each other.  No matter what we're doing, when we're together we have fun.

I'm glad Corey can be totally himself with me.  I wouldn't have it any other way and I love him just the way he is.