Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Robot Repair Shop

Our previous series in All Stars was titled "Dr. Tomorrow's Robot Repair Shop."  Here's what the stage looked like!

We took apart a computer monitor and a TV/VCR combo.  I filled this metal cart with the internal parts and put the empty screen shells next to the cart.  The flat screen monitors displayed videos of a dancing robot and the matrix (green falling numbers).  The styrofoam head can be purchased at hobby lobby.

I made the gears with leftover insulation foam board from the Heroes series.

I filled glass jars with odds and ends: colored blocks, batteries, wires, ping pong balls, markers, etc.  On the table we also had a magnifying glass, rubber chicken, work gloves, box of foil, cordless telephone, lamp, and duct tape.  The chalkboard was covered in random math equations and the dry erase board had the "plans" for the exo-suit we created for the skits.  On the wall I taped random robot blueprints Corey found online.  

It was a great series and the kids loved Dr. Tomorrow and his assistant Gasket!  Check out a video of highlights from the series on the Southern Hills Facebook page!

Friday, August 19, 2011


-Missing Due To Action-

It's officially official- I'm staff at Southern Hills Christian Church!!!

My title is Youth Intern and I am working with the Fusion team ministering to middle and high school students.

For the past four weeks I've been insanely busy helping prepare for the kick-off of our Wednesday night programs and Life Groups.  This past Wednesday was our first FUSION service and it went great!  Our team put in a lot of planning and it went off without a hitch (well, with the exception that we went over 15 minutes, but so did the adults so we could get away with it).  The Youth Pastor said he believes it was the smoothest Fusion service we've ever had!

We have two more weeks before our Life Groups begin.  I know God is going to do BIG things through our volunteers and in the lives of our students.  I can't wait to see what He has in store!