Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 68 of 100

For my "birthday", Corey gave me several books by Keri Smith.  The book I am currently completing is titled This is Not a Book.  These books are more like journals full of bizarre missions.  One of my assignments was to make a paper boat and float it. Another was to make a page in the book annoying.  One assignment was to write messages in the book back and forth with another person.  I decided that I would share my This is Not a Book experience with Elizabeth Vahey and include her in the awesome weirdness that is this book.  The first page she completed instructed her to hold the book above her head for as long as possible.  She went exactly 30 minutes (she could have gone longer but she got bored).  Her next assignment was to fill out a secret identiy profile (which was amazing) and return it to me "wearing page 31."

Love it!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 67 of 100

After my birthday celebration, a group of us went to the blimp factory and I experienced star tripping for the first time.

Start Tripping consists of looking up at one star, spinning around in fast circles, and then someone flashing a light in your face.  Because you are dizzy, your equilibrium is all thrown off.  Because of the flash, you can't see.  These two things combined result in you falling over.

Some of my friends were able to run a good distance before toppling.  Corey on the other hand couldn't make it one step.  Truth be told, I couldn't make it far either.

We discovered that the pictures and experience was better when one flashed themselves.  Unfortunately, I still only got a picture of the top of my head.

Last night for the freshmen/sophomore social we went start tripping.  I was hesitant to participate because when I went on my "birthday" I was dizzy the rest of the night.  I caved to peer pressure.  Before I began spinning, I threw my keys to Rob Shields.  I thought he was looking directly at me, but I was mistaken and my keys hit him directly in the face.  I felt so terrible!!!  Beyond that, my second star tripping experience was a success.  Again I spun, again I was flashed, and again I fell.  While I was recovering on the ground, Christian Mullis took his turn.  Dizzy and blinded, he stumbled right into the Pasquatank River.  Epic ending to the social.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 66 of 100

Following my amazing birthday surprise, meal, and cake a group of us played Quelf.

Quelf is one of the most random board games ever.  I enjoy it; Rich is in love with it!  Every time Rich is over he wants to play.  He has only won the game once, but occasionally he is the most outrageous or hilarious and earns a spot on the true winner list we keep in the box to remember the outlandish times during Quelf.

Here's a taste of a Quelf experience.

Elizabeth had to build a fort and remain in the fort until her next turn.  If it was destroyed by natural disaster or poor construction she had to pay the penalty.  Of course to prevent "natural disaster" Corey was not informed of this.

Rich had to crawl under a table and remain there until his next turn.  This was the closest table.

Jay had to construct a mask and wear it until his next turn.

One of my cards instructed me to sit in the lap of an opponent until my next turn.  If I accomplished this, I got to move ahead and share the space my opponent was on.  If I was prevented from completing the card, both myself and chosen opponent had to move back 3 spaces.  Rich was very helpful and despite some difficulty (see my Facebook videos) I remained in his lap and moved ahead to tie for first.

Oddly enough, I won.  I never win.  The last space is a red card and I stink at these.  But it was my "birthday" and my husband assisted my win.  But the night was not over there! (How many more posts do you think I can stretch this?  HAHAHA!)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 65 of 100

Happy Birthday to me!

Corey threw me a surprise birthday party last Friday (for those who don't know, my actual birthday is Dec 18).  Upon my return from the scavenger hunt with Aimee, I walked into a house full of my friends throwing balloons at me.  We had pizza, I made guacamole, and they made AWESOME jalapeno poppers.  Later they sang happy birthday and we ate cake.

Then I opened presents.  That was weird.  I must have been 16 the last time I opened birthday presents in front of a group of people.  Here's some pics.  I'm mostly posting this because of Jay's faces.

Rob and Kaylin drew me an... interesting picture.  No, I will not share it, but I will share a picture of me looking at it.

After food and cake the night wasn't over, but I'll save the rest for tomorrow's post.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 64 of 100

Rich planned a scavenger hunt for Aimee and I this past Friday.  Here's a taste of our adventure.

Aimee with a bird.

Aimee, that's not how you use a kayak...
Those are espresso beans in our noses.  Yes, we ate them.  Just a little extra salt.
Is this a diaper bag?
 We had LOADS of fun!  Great start to an AMAZING weekend!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 63 of 100

The boat is out of the living room!

Getting tired of waiting on the streets to flood and with the prodding of Rich Meister, Corey and Rob taped on the bottles and took the boat to the river. 

It floated (to my surprise).

It continued to float when Rob got in...

and even when Rich got in...

at least for a little while.

And before it was all said and done, Corey ended up in the river as well.  


I love my friends.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 62 of 100

I started cutting Corey's hair to save money and over the past four years I've gotten fairly decent at it.  I'm not the speediest scissor slinger in town (by far), but I can carry my own.  I "specialize" (if you can call it that) in male cuts.  Layers?  Shaping?  Some-other-high-fashion-salon-term?  Yeah, you can forget that.  But a basic male trim is all me. 

Cutting hair has become a ministry for me.  I don't charge anything and feel as if I am serving the person with this skill I have acquired.  I find joy in discovering ways to make the experience better: covering my chair with cool fabric, buying better scissors, making a sweet cape.  Next on the list is buying new trimmers, which I have been putting off.

Of course when I cut hair, the person always gets a speech- I am not a professional.  I have had no training.  There is the possibility that you will have to shave your head (for the record, no one has done this but Taylor Everette and he simply decided he wanted to shave his head).

When my hair dresser graduated from MACU and my hair started getting long... well, long for me, I had a minor panic attack.  I am VERY picky about my hair and I did not want to suffer through several bad cuts before I found someone who sufficed.  But something I learned from my experimenting is that cutting hair is an art and not a science or a perfection.  I also know that no one knows my hair better than I do.  So I took a risk, knowing full well it could result in shaving my head, and I cut my own hair. 

It turned out awesome!  I have been cutting my own hair for the past two years.  It takes me FOREVER and is a painstaking process, but I have yet to cry when I am finished so it's worth it.

Here's a few pics of me when I'm done.  My hair always looks SO crazy, but I dig it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 61 of 100

For graduation my mom bought Corey a tandem bicycle.  It is loads of fun!  This Saturday was gorgeous out so we rode it to the softball tournament.  Oddly enough, like last year, we showed up just when MACU finished their game.  But we still enjoyed a ride around town together.