Friday, December 24, 2010

Post 89 of 100

Corey and I are spending Christmas at my brother's house in Rhode Island!  Yesterday we spent the morning just hanging out and then went to the mall for lunch and shopping.  The mall in Providence is HUGE and was very busy yesterday.  After meandering through a few stores and grabbing a coffee, we went to the IMAX and saw Tron in 3D.  Afterwards, Corey and I made dinner for Cory and Emily, we watched a few episodes of Pushing Daises, and played Rock Band.  It was a great start to our visit.  I'm so glad to be with my brother!!!  Mom and grandma arrive tomorrow night!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Post 88 of 100

Rich awoke at 3am to put the 15 pounds of meat on the grill.  Throughout the day, we cleaned house and prepared side dishes.  At 5pm, our friends started arriving and soon it was time to eat.

Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Pasta Salad
Homemade Barbecue Sauce
Smoked Brisket

With 17 people packed into our small apartment, everyone enjoyed spending the evening together dining on yummy food.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Post 87 of 100

When my brother and I took a trip to Colorado before I moved off to college, my Uncle Fred introduced me to his guacamole recipe.  With some salsa and a dash of soy sauce, one can whip up a yummy bowl of guac dip in a jiffy.  During my college years, I frequently made this dish.  So much so my adopted family, the Griffaws, gave me an avocado masher for my bridal shower (who even knew they made those?!?)  If you are an avid avocado eater, I totally recommend getting one of these bad boys! 

Recently I began experimenting with different types of guacamole.  The recipes I tried were all mediocre, none met my expectations.  One evening I was feeling particularly courageous and decided to attempt my own.  It was AMAZING!  Since then, I have made it twice and will be bringing it to the MACU staff Christmas party. 

So cookies, potato cakes, green bean casserole, and guacomole- in the kitchen that's about the limit of my talents.

Now I've got a hankering for some chips and dip...

And here's a random picture of Rich ripping through a shirt.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Post 86 of 100

Corey and I are movie fiends.  Over Thanksgiving break, we watched 8 movies within 3 days.  We decided that was enough of that.  While packing, Corey re-discovered a 2000 piece Coca-Cola puzzle he had acquired.  We began sorting the pieces and quickly overtook the kitchen table.  The finished puzzle would be so large we actually had to put our other kitchen table on top of our current table with street signs serving as the leaf.  Friends would come over and quickly get sucked into the puzzle.  Within a week and a half, the puzzle was complete.  It was great fun and a better activity than watching movies FOR SURE!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Post 85 of 100

Hair Coloring Party!!!

Last week I had a hair coloring night with Matt and Jay.  After trimming their hair, I bleached Matt's and colored Jay's as well as mine.  Jay and I used the same teal dye, but they came out a little different.  Mine is much more blue and his is tinted more green.  With the new color, I feel like I should have also obtained a super power.  More pictures of the new look to come!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Post 84 of 100

Corey and I created a large book collection when we got married and it has only continued to grow.  We have three bookcases in our home and Corey has one in his office.  One of the shelves of one of the bookcases is dedicated to the books I want to read.  On this shelf there are marriage enrichment books, books about ministry, and a few novels.  When I go to bookstores, I keep in mind this over flowing book shelf and try not buy something new (unless it's totally irresistible of course).  I'm currently reading two books that were on this shelf.  Slowly, the books are dwindling.  Then again, it takes time to remove a book from the shelf, but only a quick swipe of plastic to add another.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Post 83 of 100

Here are some random pictures of me that Corey took over break (before I went and hacked-up my hair... ::tear::)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Post 82 of 100

I had a great thanksgiving break!  Corey and I spent Thanksgiving day at the Griffaw's.  Of course the meal was amazing!  I ate WAY too much.

It was great to spend time with my adopted family.  Can't wait till Dec 19th when we celebrate Christmas at their house!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Post 81 of 100

Corey and I went to Carrollton last weekend to be introduced to the congregation and to attend a volunteer meeting.  We had a great time meeting and getting to know our new church family as well as becoming more familiar with the area.  Corey is particularly excited that there is a Moe's in town.  Four days later he is still saying "Welcome to Moe's!" at random moments throughout the day!  I'm particularly excited about the organic, vegetarian culture.

We also went apartment hunting and were successful!  (The above is not the place we picked, but the picture cracked me up!)  Our place is very small, but we don't plan on being there forever.  Now to pack up our junk...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Post 80 of 100

My friend Laura had a baby girl, Amelia, several weeks ago.  Amelia is the cutest baby I have ever seen.  I am not one to hold newborns, but I couldn't help myself! 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Post 79 of 100

Last week the dining hall, with the assistance of the Student Life Committee, hosted an 80's Banquet.  Students dressed up in their 80s attire and enjoyed an evening of 80s food, music, games, and videos.  They served foot long hot dogs that were insanely difficult to eat.  The air guitar contest was awesome.  I had a blast dressing up!  Fun times at MACU!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Post 78 of 100

With Buddy, Rich, and my husband together you know geocaching is a must.  During our camping trip, we found two caches.  The first was along a cool walking trail right on the camp grounds. 

The second was down the road and REAL sketchy.  It was located next to a house and behind this dilapidated barn inside an old milk cooler.

Cooking over the fire, enjoying the outdoors, sleeping in a tent, and playing games with friends- it was a great trip!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Post 77 of 100

While camping, we took a walk through the woods to the beach.

Yes, those are deer tracks.  On the beach.  This close to the water.  Crazy cool.  And here's a picture of Corey eating breakfast.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Post 76 of 100

This past weekend Corey and I went camping with Rich, Aimee, Danielle, and Buddy.  It was LOADS of fun.

One essential when camping is a campfire.  The first night, we didn't have firewood so we all went scrounging in the woods.  Despite purchasing firewood the next day, searching for fallen limbs became a regular thing during our trip.  At first I was very concerned about finding a tick on me.  Fortunately I did not.  Aimee did though and was freaked the rest of the trip.

Friday night we had hot dogs and baked beans.  The hot dogs were probably the best hot dogs I have ever eaten in my life!  Rich had the awesome idea of toasting the buns over the fire.  It was SUPER yummy.  Rich made grilled cheese for lunch on Saturday.  We cooked spaghetti and toast for dinner that night.  Of course we also roasted marshmallows and made smores.  Corey and Rich even made "cowboy coffee!" Yeah for campfires!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Post 75 of 100

I think a change will do me good.

Last week I bleached my hair.  I intended to color it another color, but I liked the results of bleaching so much I decided to stick with this for a bit.  I bleached it on Wednesday and this was the result.

My roots were WHITE and faded into a light pink (which was awesome!) and then to "bleach" blond.  I bleached it again yesterday so it's even lighter.  I'm totally digging it!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post 74 of 100

Happy Halloween!

For the MACU party, Corey and some of our friends dressed up as Batman characters.  It was awesome and they all looked amazing!

On Halloween, I joined the DC brigade and we took to the streets in our costumes.  We got stopped several times for pictures.  It was a lot of fun.  Unfortunately, none of us remembered to take our own pictures...

Of course we also carved a pumpkin.  I really only bought it for the seeds, which we roasted and were very yummy.  We took the smiling lantern (that I carved 10 minutes before) to the freshmen/sophomore larping social.  After everyone got done beating up each other, they smashed my pumpkin to pieces.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Post 73 of 100

This past weekend Corey and I went to Carrollton, Georgia.  It was a great trip!  The area is interesting to say the least.  Here's a taste...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Post 72 of 100

This week was Missions Emphasis Week at MACU.  We had several guest missionaries speak in chapel and share what they have been doing on the field and the need for others to spread God's word.  Last night was ethnic food night.  Here's a few shots from our fellowshipping!

The spread.  Yum!

Corey in his ethnic garb from Indonisia.

Aimee in her ethnic garb from Africa.

No longer in my "ethnic" garb, but it's my blog so here's a pic of me :)

A picture of Corey and Matt playing footsie.  Why?  One can only guess.

Tisk tisk Matthew.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Post 71 of 100

Corey and I just got back yesterday from a brief trip to Ohio.  Our friend Lolly got married on Saturday so we took a few days to attend the wedding and visit with family.  During our trip, we drove through the local park.  The fall colors were amazing!

Of course we brought Gerome with us.

And Corey put my camera to good use.