Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 35 of 100

Yesterday, Corey and I took advantage of the nice weather and explored Elizabeth City.  We first visited Clownin' Around, a costume shop I like to frequent that is having a moving sale.   This is where I bought my disguise.

I bet you didn't even recognize me.  I am so sinister in my mustache.

We then cruised through the local art gallery (which, by the way, posted its signage upside down).  The work of one artist on display filled one of the rooms.  She had created miniature houses from what appeared to be foam board, covered them with paper and paint making them look antique, and decorated each with miscellaneous objects she had collected.  I am doing her work a great injustice.  It was amazing.  Corey was not impressed.  The average house, about a foot in height, sold for $400.  The largest was priced at $1200.  Corey said he wouldn't pay $10 at Wal-mart. 

Further down Main St., we made our customary Saturday stop at Muddys.  Corey drank coffee and surfed the web while I sipped tea and read. 

Back at home, we had a surprise visit from Rich Meister and Ben Hosman.  We shot the breeze, had deep conversation, and I cut Rich's hair.

After our visit, Corey and I headed to Edenton for the Steamers vs. Peninsula baseball game.  As we entered the stands, Corey grabbed a free program (despite the fact I said we didn't need one.)  We enjoyed park franks and fries as we cheered from the stands.  We saw a few good plays, a home run hit, and a car get hit by a ball as it drove by the field.

It was a great day.

O and remember that program?  There were numbers written on the inside and if they called yours out, you got a prize.  We were the first to win.

Go Steamers!

1 comment:

janet said...

Love the disquise. That chair fits perfectly. Way to go Corey on winning a prize! Is it a seat cushion? Hurray for comfortable seating!