Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Post 98 of 100

This past weekend I attended CIY Super Start with a group of 4th through 6th graders and other adult volunteers.  We had a blast!  We were grouped into small groups of 2 adults and 2 kids.  I was with Deanna Wall, the Lead Pastor's wife, and Brooke and Jordan, two 5th grade girls.  Together we played games, attended the sessions, and spent the night in a hotel.

A few things from the weekend:
-Playing adult tag at a roller rink will guarantee the adults have more fun than the kids.
-If you are an adult standing at a station, the kids will automatically think you are in charge of it.  (Good thing I know how to play Ninja.)
-Brooke's love language is giving gifts, no doubt.  When kids have this love language they get flack from adults for spending all their parent's money.  I give them more money so they can spread more love.
-Hot Fries, Flaming Cheetos, pretzels, and Oreos are an acceptable mid-night snack in the mind of a 5th grader.
-Fake something one time and kids will doubt you forever after.
-Any similarities and you become just like "So and so."  When "So and so" is a big deal in the mind of a pre-teen, I'll take it as a compliment.
-If you are pregnant and on stage before a new audience, give them an update on your baby.  Curious minds want to know!  And showing a picture of your husband isn't a bad idea either or else everyone assumes the hottest guy on stage is your boo.
-If kids have no fear of getting out in dodge ball they become fearless and no one stands on the back wall.  It is not the fear of being struck that keeps kids from playing, but the fear of being seen as a loser.
-When traveling with a group always, ALWAYS take a head count before you leave.

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