Friday, January 28, 2011

Post 99 of 100

Here's a blog of random, totally unconnected things.

For my surprise birthday party back in September, Matt Proffitt made the best jalapeno poppers I've ever eaten (jalapenos halved and cleaned, stuffed with cream cheese, topped with shredded cheese, wrapped with bacon, and baked).  These treats have become a regular side for Corey and I.  He recently discovered a pan that we own that bakes them even better (the grease from the bacon drains off so the peppers don't fry and burn).  We had some the other day.  YUM!

I colored my hair again and am glad to be back to pink.  And BOY is it PINK!

Yesterday for lunch Corey and I went to Sunnyside Cafe.  We had pancakes, homemade biscuits (also referred to as "cat heads") with white pepper gravy, and "cat heads" with homemade jelly.  It was SUPER yummy.  Come for a a visit some time; we'd love to take you!

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